A Light down the Road

A Light down the Road

by Al Staggs

Life is like a long, long trip

over a winding road.

We walk in the direction of light,

gaining assurance

from the road signs along the way.

Traveling on, traveling on

without possessing anything,

while having more “possessions”

than are truly necessary.

We stumble and we sometimes fall,

yet the joys of the journey

provide strength and speed

as we travel ever so persistently

toward the light

at the end of the road.

Al Staggs

Alfred “Al” Staggs combines his artistic talents as a performing artist, author, and poet with his years as an ordained minister and chaplain to speak to justice issues in his several dramatic one-man plays of heroes of the faith such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Clarence Jordan, William Sloane Coffin, and more. He has authored five books including What Would Bonhoeffer Say?, A Pilgrim in Rome, and Fragments of Life. He uses his story of growing up in a dysfunctional home, his degrees in psychology, and theology, and training in humor therapy to touch audiences with his Laughter for Life program, impersonating many beloved and infamous characters.




Lessons from a Funeral Home