By Al Staggs

All throughout the Southland

Jesus has been muted.

Oh, the words of the Savior

are certainly in the Good Book,

but the true messages have been silenced

by pastors who are beholding,

beholding to plantation owners

who give big money to their churches

and one doesn’t mess with the gravy train

since the steeple, the organ, and pews

not to mention the parsonage

were all underwritten by the chief deacon,

the plantation owner.

It’s always been that way in the Bible Belt

where preachers brag about believing

every word of God.

So they say,

But when it comes to slavery

the pastor best not go there

or he and his family

will be living on the street.

And you ain’t gonna hear the Rev

speak of greed

for Mr. Plantation owner is thousands of times wealthier

than any other church member.

Every sermon has to pass muster

with the man with all the fields of cotton

for cotton is King.

And that’s the reason Jesus is,

and always has, been muted in the Southland.

Al Staggs

Alfred “Al” Staggs combines his artistic talents as a performing artist, author, and poet with his years as an ordained minister and chaplain to speak to justice issues in his several dramatic one-man plays of heroes of the faith such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Clarence Jordan, William Sloane Coffin, and more. He has authored five books including What Would Bonhoeffer Say?, A Pilgrim in Rome, and Fragments of Life. He uses his story of growing up in a dysfunctional home, his degrees in psychology, and theology, and training in humor therapy to touch audiences with his Laughter for Life program, impersonating many beloved and infamous characters.

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